Finding your passion can seem like quite a chore. Learning and living what gets your heart racing is usually easier when you go with all the things you do on a hobby or an interest level. This is simply spending your time doing things you thoroughly enjoy, as they often mirror deeper passions within you. Here’s how you can explore your hobbies and interests to discover where your true passion lies.
1. Begin with What You Enjoy
Think of the things you most like to do during your free time: perhaps it’s painting, reading, playing sports, writing, or working with your hands. Those give clues as to what excites you. Passion often comes from what you would naturally do just for fun.
If you find yourself spending hours reading about history or watching documentaries, maybe learning or teaching others about the past is where your passion lies.
2. Tune Into What Invigorates You
Have you ever done something and then felt totally invigorated afterwards? Those passionate activities generally will give you a sense of excitement and energy. If a hobby helps you feel tired yet happy, it can well be something that you are passionate about. On the flip side, if it drags you down or bores you, then it could simply be an interest without deeper meaning.
If you enjoy playing the guitar and feel happy every time you play, perhaps it’s a sign music is where your passion lies.
3. Look for Patterns in Your Interests
Introspect on some of the activities you enjoy most. Do they have common ground? For instance, if you enjoy writing, drawing, and designing websites, you love creativity or art. Recognizing such patterns helps understand what truly excites you.
Someone who loves planning events, helping others, and traveling might have the passion to pursue a career in either travel or event planning.
4. Try New Things and Keep an Open Mind
Sometimes, we don’t know what we truly love because we have not explored enough. Trying new hobbies and acting on these interests might open up broad horizons of new possibilities. So keep trying things, even those you never thought you would enjoy. The more you do it, the more you will learn what makes you feel happy.
Pottery might make you feel relaxed and satisfied while playing with clay or you might snap pictures and know right away that taking photographs of other people is something you love.
5. See What You Talk About Most
Another clue as to your passion could be the topics that seem to come up most often in your conversations. Is it always about nature, fitness, technology, or helping others? Pay very close attention. There just might be some clues as to what you’re really interested in and could even point toward your passion in the things you converse about on a daily basis.
If you seem to talk an awful lot about the environment and how to protect it, possibly your passion is going to have something to do with sustainability or environmental activism.
6. Habituate Yourself into Asking What You Would Do for Free
What would you do if money was not a concern? If you could do anything in the world for no payment, what would it be? Often, our passions are the things we do just for the joy of doing them. Ask yourself what you love enough to do for free, and you might discover your true passion.
For Example:
If you enjoy helping others with their fitness goals, it should dawn on you that your passion lies in personal training or health coaching.
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7. Give Yourself Time
It sometimes takes time and patience to find your passion. Be kind to yourself while this unfolds. Do not rush it. Do not think that you have to have all the answers immediately. Take your time and continue exploring your hobbies and interests; your passion will reveal itself in time.
Hobbies and interests may offer you an appropriate starting point to discover your passion. By paying attention to what excites you, what keeps you to feel energized, and what you come back to time and again, you will soon drastically narrow down the things that are truly scaling. Keep going out there, stay open for new experiences, and above all else, have fun working to discover that passion!